
This is the future home of the breakdown of the phenomenological analysis methodology. It's another part of the work in progress. However there is a time line and ultimately everything will get finished. Or it won't.

Meaning Units and Strong Words

There's a story for you! / That was to teach me the nature of emotion (that's called emotion): what emotion can do (given favourable conditions), what love can do. (Well well! So that's emotion! That's love!) And trains, the nature of trains. And the meaning of your back to the engine, and guards, stations, platforms, wars, love, heart-rending cries. / (That must be the mother-in-law: her cries rend the heart as she takes down her son. Or her son-in-law? I don't know. It must be her son, since she cries.) / And the door? The house-door is bolted: when she got back from the station she found the house-door bolted. Who bolted it? He the better to hang himself? Or the mother-in-law the better to take him down? Or to prevent her daughter-in-law from re-entering the premises? There's a story for you! / (It must be the daughter-in-law: it isn't the son-in-law and the daughter, it's the daughter-in-law and the son. / How I reason to be sure this evening!) It was to teach me how to reason, it was to tempt me to go, to the place where you can come to an end.


human being said...

'time line...'
and who draws the line? where and when?

'ultimately everything will get finished...'

in you? in me? in who?
is it really possible?

everything is e-motion...

that story is about me-in-law!

Harlequin said...

nice line breaks...
your Beckett is showing....
and there's a story for you

loved the trains....
loved the trains....

Jon said...