story 2

That was enough. Just the sight of those fires along the beach. I don't feel like the story needs to go much further. Sure I need to tie up some loose ends: why the cops shot me and why I died; if I died at all; how a dead person could narrate a story; what value there would be in that; if any; and so on.

But that's not the part of the story that really interests me -- the reality of it or whatever. I'm not interested in the cops and the rain and the thunder outside. I'm not interested in playing chess. What I'm interested in is the dream I had the night before the evening I found myself in the coffee shop, and what about it I wrote down. If only I could remember. All my troubles would melt away. I must have left that pad of paper somewhere. How will I ever find it now?


human being said...


"What I'm interested in is the dream I had..."

when our SELF decides to talk to us, we dream....

and s/he doesn't deliver the meaning - the message - straightforwardly... it will be LOST if done otherwise...

s/he's got some METHODOLOGY for the delivery...

s/he plays chess...

if only you were interested in playing chess, you would remember... and all your problems would melt away...

trust her/him...

Jon said...

I do... thanks... I like this piece too...

And about chess... I love it... I know you do too... we should try to play a game on GAMEKNOT...

You know that site???

human being said...

yes i do...

if you trust her/him...
play the game... find why s/he moves the pieces like that... why the policemen come... why you are dead... why bonfires on the beach... why it rains... and so on and so forth...

Harlequin said...

there is a theory that I cannot quite remember that claims that the dreamer is everyone in the dream... or all the characters, artifacts, stories are the dreamer...somehow

... and what about it I wrote down...
this Beckett experience has imbued every word I see with an aura...I am pulled by the possibilities of a preposition... about.... I like how you use that word...
quite a madness, this...

Jon said...


if you have a gameknot account I'd love to play a game...

send a challenge to jwpnfld

you'll see that my rating is quite low...

part of my MO...

fail as well as I can...


Harlequin said...

Hopper...I have walked the woods of the dreamscape path laid down over the many previous posts... I have deliberately traveled along linear and non-linear, forwards and backwards in time.... and space...
and I love this experience you have made....
it is so permeable... both dark and luminous, it shivers and simmers with the strange softness of dream...or slow waking

human being said...

i have an account there... do you remember the first time you invited me there?
crows cannot resist any mind games...
i did what you told me and challenged you but nothing happened then... perhaps i didn't know something about the rules there...
but the account should be still existing...
i have played few online games on Fritz( while ago... lost all of them except one...
now that you've offered a game on this blog, i willingly accept... it is also related to the essence...
good thought!
let's see what we gain...

Jon said...


Thanks... I'm liking this too... shiver down the spine is a good way to describe so much of Beckett's stuff... but it's something that makes me remember at the first and forefront that I am alive... that I experience and live... there's something here that I'm a part of... it's the hope that's erased or buried or forgotten or something...

lost thoughts... (sigh)... perhaps another time it'll come back to me... perhaps...


it's a good game so far!!! I don't win many games of chess either... play a fair bit online... on the rare occasion that I do win it's always a big celebration... leap up and jump in the air and smash my mouse on the ground in triumph... or wait... that's what I do when I lose too... hmmmm...

human being said...

your feelings show that this is THE GAME that excites... not the results...
that ending of winning/losing is just there to entice you to start anew...

all endings are beginnings...

you play again but you have been changed through the game, so you play the new round/turn/cycle/circle differently...

exciting, eh?

this is true also for dreams...
when you communicate with the elements of the dream (Harlequin is absolutely right when saying all of them are the dreamer...) and understand them, in the next dream your subconscious plays with you differently...on a higher/deeper level...

like these computer games... you win the first level, you go to the next level and the game becomes more intricate... more exciting...

thus spake the dreamer... or the player?... or the game?... or the dream?